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Back To The Drawing Board

Happy New Year! As you know life never is full of surprises and setbacks and I have had my fair amount these past months. From confusion to panic attacks to heartbreak, the experience of physical abuse, relocating, divorce, loss of employment, and even depression. I mean one giant pill to swallow in only a seemingly blink of an eye. Until I woke up and said enough is enough I have to reignite my passion and fight to overcome my obstacles because this cannot be my end, although I hate it I must begin again.

So here I am frustrated, even lost as to my direction, all my former goals and plans were at a screeching halt, my vision board in another State and out of reach.  Ready to just throw in the towel and forget it all but something within me won’t allow that to happen.  What in the world do I do now?

Where could one really go but go back to the drawing board? As discomforting as this is starting over or revisiting “the drawing board” is the best place to turn. Reevaluating oneself, pressing to heal the hurt and disappointment and shucks if additional help is needed then seek it out.

When we find ourselves in a place where we have to start over “AGAIN” it can become discouraging and downright frustrating. Ever look in the mirror and just get upset at yourself because you expected to be somewhere at this stage in your journey but complex scenarios brought you to your right now moment? I know I have and really hated myself for it honestly. But I realized that not even “William Le Baron Jenney” who invented the first skyscraper” nor French engineer “Alphonse Beau de Rochas” who invented the principle of the 4-step combustion engine Nor the inventors of the very first telephone got it right the first or even the fourteenth time. They’ve had to revisit the drawing board again and again until they could come up with the right formulas to make their ideas functional, to cause their vision to become a reality.

I realized we all find ourselves at a crossroads or many crossroads where there are many paths and are unsure if the next direction will lead to someplace great or back to the same spot we started. Many of us crash and burn and never bounce back, and many still have a fire within to keep reaching until that vision is grasped but before getting there one has to detox from the damage left within. I have come to realize “it is the failures that ultimately creates success.” Without failures and setbacks, how could we ever come to know when an area needs to be improved or not? Without a hurt, how can one come to know what real love is? Without tripping over our shoelace and falling on our behind, how can one come to know that their shoes weren’t tied in a correct manner? Those dark moments in our lives molds us to become greater, more determined, creates a new drive or desire within the heart.

So what does one do when they don’t know what to do? Pull out that paper and write, start somewhere. Don’t get intimidated or discouraged at that blank page. It’s merely a Canvas of endless possibilities to recreate something glorious. Am I saying it’s going to be perfect when planning and then re-planning, of course not, but it’s within those imperfect moments we find something greater than anticipated.

So fail and fail again my friends but never forget to stay diligent in achieving what those around you may call impossible.

Until next time…

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