I’m not perfect nor do I pretend to be, I am flawed, scarred, troubled at times, certain at other times, creative, with a crooked smile, eloquent me. I don’t pretend to have all of the answers either, quite frankly, if anyone in this world ever feels they do are deceived. I only seek to shed light in places that are dark to those who are going through the same things I have gone through in life. Once I wished I could change how I am as my reflection just didn’t fit who I was inside. I literally hated myself because everyone else did, at least that is how it felt, this twisted way of thinking caused arrested development in so many ways. I joined the crowd of what the world expected of me and found myself in a sunken place. But I didn’t stay there long, as I grew older I have learned how to Embrace and Love me for me regardless of what others thought. I couldn’t depend on people to make me happy or feel good about myself because I knew it wouldn’t last. So I made a sound decision to learn to love myself for me, flaws, and all. Do you know what happened next? I got my Joy back and found my true identity and I wouldn’t change you for the world.
Of course, some construction and renovations should occur in order to mold an individual, but, that doesn’t mean altering your entire self just to seek happiness. One of the main reasons people continue through life suffering is because others are too ashamed to share their experiences in life. Many take their testimonies to their grave. Not realizing the things they have come out of could be the exact thing that motivates another. Opening the eyes of many who thought there was no alternative than the reality they faced.
We spend so much time searching for answers on our own, remaining divided, instead of being willing to hold someone’s hair back while they regurgitate the booze from the night before. Many people spend more time tearing another down instead of giving them a hand up to remind them that their life has just as much value as the next person. I refuse to fall under the self-absorbed category of every man for himself.
Nevertheless, I speak these things to you because reassurance is still needed in order to develop a little more energy to keep going. To find a will to not give up even though the walls around you are high. Even now I still face troubling times but I am determined to redefine my journey instead of letting others do so. So if you are anything like me you’d agree that
So to those of you who are tired, frustrated, want change, and fed up with what you face like I have been and find myself every now and then. Know that it will get better, even when it doesn’t feel good at the moment or seem like it’s ever going to come to an end. You’re not alone either, so many more are facing what you face, hurting like you hurt, and are unsure of which way to turn just like you. Of course, these words may not be the answer you seek because you may currently be facing urgent matters and not have enough resources to get what is needed. Nevertheless, I speak these things to you because reassurance is still needed in order to develop a little more energy to keep going. To find a will to not give up even though the walls around you are high. Even now I still face troubling times but I am determined to redefine my journey instead of letting others do so. So if you are anything like me you’d agree that
Growth is Perfection and that’s all to it, everything else is just excessive.
So make a decision to take your joy back even if not a single soul around you is supportive. You still matter.